Storing Out of Season Clothing

When it’s a hundred degrees outside you probably don’t want to rummage through a bunch of sweaters and cold-weather clothing just to find the perfect tank top and pair of shorts more appropriate for the hot summer day. This is why storing away out-of-season clothing is a great idea for just about anyone. For storing away unneeded clothing, try and follow these few steps for an efficient process.


Pull out all the clothing you will not be needing for summer (or winter depending on the season) and give all your pieces a once over. Do they have any stains or noticeable damage? Be honest with yourself and do not keep clothing you know you will not wear over the next season. Make piles of clothes to donate, clothes to make repairs to, and clothes to keep.


Don’t store dirty clothes, this will allow any stains or other dirt to settle into the fabric making it impossible to clean out later on. Sweat is also known to attract moths to clothing, so it’s always recommended to give all clothing a quick wash before putting them away for extended amounts of time.


Pack away all clothing in breathable storage bags – pillowcases work too! You can store bags under your bed or in any spare closet space. Fold sweaters and roll delicate shirts to avoid excess unwanted wrinkles and creases. You can even throw in some cedar or lavender to keep moths away and leave your clothes smelling fresh months later.

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