Hiding Valuables in the Home

Whether you are concerned about burglary, or just have some very special belongings you don’t want people messing with often, there are many hiding places you can create throughout your home to ensure your beloved items are not easily found. Sometimes these hiding places can even be hidden in plain sight!

Hollowed Out Books

You’ve probably seen this one in the movies before, but it definitely has it’s merits! It will be most effective and eluding if you own a lot of books. One book on a shelf may be a little bit obvious, so you just slip it between a row or stack of books you already own. No one is going to take a very long time to flip through every book for hopes of something valuable. They might also think hiding items in books is pure cinematic creation!


Using your freezer may not be suitable for all valuable items, but you can certainly take money and important documents, wrap them in plastic or aluminum foil and tuck them in the back of your freezer. No one is going to dig through meats, ice cream, and whatever other food items to look for personal belongings.

False Containers

Most effective under the bathroom and kitchen sink or in kitchen cupboards, take false food cans or false cleaning solution bottles and fill them with any valuables that will fit. Even personal hygiene containers or cat litter tubs will be an easy and unsuspecting illusion.

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