Silly Moving Superstitions (Part One)

Who doesn’t have a few superstitions they believe in? Whether you feel a little worried when you see a black cat or you avoid walking under ladders, because, you know, seven-years-of-bad-luck, or you think broken mirrors result in curses, superstitions have a way of taking control of our minds and hearts even when we know (pretty sure at least) that they are not true.After all, ladders don’t have magic powers? Do they? Today, we are going to begin the first part of a multi-blog series silly moving myths which have originated from all over the globe.

  1. Moving Dates

According to one superstition, moving on a Friday or a Saturday is extremely bad luck. That leaves us with the question of, when exactly are we supposed to move then? Sunday is out of the question, that is supposed to be a day of rest. As for Monday-Friday, well, we do this little thing called work. We have to pay for our new place somehow! So, when would be the best time to move? According to this superstition, the answer maybe…never!

  1. I Better Get a Present

This is a superstition which can be traced back to the American Frontier. Back then, when people were still moving out west, families would arrive at the frontier after a long, exhausting journey. Have you ever played the game Oregon Trail? Exactly. Well, when these brave families finally arrived at their destination, they would be very low on food and supplies. It became atradition for more establish families to stop by bearing gifts salt, bread, and butter. Anything to help the new arrivals get established. This resulted in a superstition that says it is terrible luck to arrive at a housewarming party without bringing a present. We hope you have some wrapping paper handy.

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