Important Questions to Ask Before Moving

We have a very interesting statistic for you to ponder — did you know that the average American moves 11.4 times in their life. This is according to recent census data gathered by polling companies. This number seemed pretty high to us which caused us to be even more surprised when we heard it was on the rise! Moving can be very stressful. In fact, it is routinely ranked as one of the four most stressful things an individual can go through. However, we would be remised if that scared you from moving. As moving experts, we are here to make the process as easy as possible. Next time you are thinking of moving, ask you self these questions.

  1. Is it Affordable?

Moving into a beautiful new place can be a lot of fun. It is easy to fall in love with a place that is outside of your budget. You should always ask yourself, is this place affordable? Getting stuck with a rent/mortgage payment that is outside of your budget can have life altering implications. Make sure to account for all the costs of moving and furnishing the new place as well.

  1. Is the Time Right?

Affordability and timing are often closely related to each other. When asking yourself, “is the timing right?” consider everything else going on in your life right now. Are you entering into a busy period at work? Do you have any other major obligations coming up? Should you be saving for another month before committing to anything?

  1. What do you Care About?

What matters most to you? Do you want to live in the city near excellent restaurants and bars? Do you want to live in a quiet neighborhood? Do you ABSOLUTELY NEED an amazing bathtub? Making a list of what matters most to you can help your narrow your search for a new place.

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