Make It A Game, Make It Real Life Tetris

Have you ever come across a time in your life where the object around you just don’t seem to “fit?” You’ve most likely experienced this when you decided to throw things into your storage unit. After all, if you’re using the unit to store seasonal clothes, old furniture, or whatever you need extra space for, you won’t be making a daily visit to your unit.

Unfortunately, this can lead to some clutter, as we all have the tendency to be a little lazy about organization at times. And not only do we get lazy about organization, but the vast majority don’t see organization as a fun activity. The real issue here is about how you “see” your unit. Rather than letting your belongings pile up in a mess, make the effort to “see” your unit as a game. See your unit as a real life version of Tetris!

Not only would this help with some organizational issues, but it can also be a fun weekend activity to check off your to-do list.

It’s best to start off by separating your items into their respective categories: clothes, furniture, electronics, etc. By doing this, you’ll be able to locate the things you have a specific need for, rather than rummaging through countless boxes to look for that one winter coat.

Once you have that in order, be mindful of your more immediate needs. It wouldn’t be a great idea to shift all of your season clothes behind your old couch. Therefore, arrange your unit so that the things you remove most frequently are in the front, and others towards the back.

And now for the fun part. The Tetris part. Make all of your furniture, boxes, and other items fit like a glove. But remember, don’t stack them up to the ceiling or else you won’t be able to pull out anything towards the middle or bottom of the stack.Now, grab your family or some of your friends are get to playing!

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