Creative ways To Use Cardboard Boxes (Part 1)

Whether or not you’ve ever rented a storage unit, everyone has cardboard boxes that they use for one thing or another. If you’re currently using them for your storage unit, that’s great! And you should keep using them for that purpose. But if you find yourself with an excess amount of cardboard boxes and you’re wondering what you can do with them, we have some creative ideas for you!

Let your children use them!

More so than anyone, children are some of the most creative, innovative people around. Always coming up with new and interesting ideas, kids tend to make use out of anything they see or find. If you give your kids some cardboard boxes to play with, their imaginations will run wild. If they need some help figuring out what to do with them, suggest ideas like making a castle, or even a fort! When it comes to imaginative ideas of how to use cardboard boxes, the possibilities are really endless, so let your children have fun with them!

Make some new decorations for your house!

If children can turn cardboard boxes into something amazing and interesting, you can too! If you have boxes lying around without any use, make some decorations.

If you have a box-cutting knife, you really can do anything with cardboard. For instance, make some giant block letters with initials, your full name, or even your last name, to spruce up a boring wall. Naturally, you’ll want to design these to match the décor of your current rooms, so make sure you buy spray paint or regular paint to match your home!

Another great idea is making wall art using cardboard and string! A great example is stitching together a woven design, mounting it on a cardboard base. Not only will this give the woven pattern a base, it’ll be easier to hang or nail to a wall.

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