A Time for Return: Why It Isn’t All Bad To Move Back In With Your Parents

Let us know if this situation sounds familiar too you. About four years ago you sent one of your young ones off to college. Everyone felt apprehensive, nervous, but mostly excited for the future. Now their years of studying hard have come to an end and it is time to graduate. Time for them to begin their lives. And unfortunately… it also looks like it is going to be time for them to move back home.

If this situation sounds all-too familiar, you shouldn’t feel alone. According to a study which was recently reported on by the New York times, approximately a third of American 20-somethings are moving back in with their parents. They are being called the Boomerang Generation. Really, this recent phenomenon is not all bad. Today, we will discuss a few of the reasons why being part of the Boomerang Generation could actually be a major positive!

1. Reduces the Burden of Debt

Going to college is not cheap! Many students graduate under the weight of significant student debt and depending on their situation, they may have to start paying it off almost immediately. Even with a good job, that can be difficult. Members of the Boomerang Generation often end up shifting funds that they would otherwise being paying for rent into paying off their student debt.

2. Creating an Adult Relationship

A lot changes during the college years. Students begin their journey as young adults, and often finish it significantly matured. When they move back in with their parents, it is a great opportunity to form the basis for a new, adult relationship creating stronger familial bonds. It also helps children see their parents from a new perspective. No longer is the relations one of dependent/provider, it is now a relationship between equals. A relationship from which each party can learn a lot!

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