5 Tips for When It’s Time to Move Back inwith The Parents (Part One)

In our last post here at the Albuquerque Self Storage blog we talked about the rising Boomerang Generation, which is the group twenty-something adults who are moving back in with their parents after finishing their collegiate careers. The Boomerang generation accounts for approximately 30% of individuals between the ages of 21 and 27 so the number of people moving back in with their parents is significant. In our last post we talked about some of the benefits that come with such a situation. However, there are definitely going to be some… tough moments and situations that arise. Today, we are going to discuss some tips for making the transition and the living experience a little easier on everyone.

1. Set Expectations

Usually, tension in these types of situations arises when everyone is not on the same page. Of course, if children are living in their parents’ house, they are going to be expected to live by their parents’ rules. And that is okay! But it is also important for the parents to realized that their child has now grown into an adult, so the same rules from years ago need to be adjusted. By clearly delineating the expectations, everyone can become comfortable with the living situation.

2. Give Each Other Space

This rule also plays a role with establishing expectations. Maybe your family is a little different, but most people feel more comfortable when they are given a little space. And this does not necessarily mean physical space. You can live in a smaller house, with rooms right next to each other, and still respect each other’s space.

Well, this turned out to be such a big subject, we are going to need two posts to talk about everything. Check back soon for part two of “5 Tips for When It’s Time to Move Back in with The Parents.”

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