5 Tips for When It’s Time to Move Back in with The Parents (Part Two)

Welcome back to the Albuquerque Self Storage blog where this week we are focusing on the topic of children moving back in with their parents after college. Years and years ago, this type of move was rather uncommon. When individuals finished college, they were expected to get a job and find their own place. However, as college has become more expensive and as the economic climate has changed, these expectations have shifted. As much 30% of college graduates are moving back in with their parents. They are known as the Boomerang Generation. Today, we are going to finish up our list of 5 tips for making this increasingly common situation as pleasant as possible.

3. Establish a Timeline

This is NOT meant to be a permanent situation. Instead, it is meant to be a pit stop. Starting adult life is difficult and expensive. Giving your kid a few months to live rent free can really help them start things off the right way. They can save for their first apartment and put away some money to actually by furniture. It’s important not to leave this open ended though. Establish a timeline. There is no “right” timeline. Create one that works for your unique situation.

4. Write Down Goals

This is especially important if they are moving in and starting from scratch. Write down a series of important goals. The list should probably start with, “get a job.” After that you can move on to details like finding an apartment and shopping for some real adult clothes.

5. Have Fun

Finally, don’t forget to have fun! Enjoy family dinners together. Play board games. Do whatever it is that your family enjoys. This is a very unique and special time in both of your lives, so make sure you make the most of it.

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