Best Places to Live for Young Adults (Part 3)

Ready to see the final list of the best places to live for young adults? We hope you are! We also hope that you have enjoyed learning about the other cities we have mentioned in our previous posts. Without further ado, here are the final cities to consider moving to, at or least visiting…

  • Portland, OR: Gaining popularity in part from the television show Portlandia, Portland, Oregon is really a mix of different people and cultures, with an emphasis on their artist community. It’s definitely considered to be one of the quirkiest cities in the US, and brings in people from all over the world for two things: food and beer. Luckily, people in Portland have also known to be very active and healthy, partially due to the amount of fresh produce that is sold throughout the state. Portland is definitely the most up and coming state in the Pacific Northwest.
  • Boston, MA: Ah, Boston. Take a stroll through the city on Saint Patrick’s Day and you’ll quickly learn a thing or two about Boston’s rich, Irish history. But the city itself is wonderful. Boston has an expansive and comprehensive metro system, which allows its residents to travel all across the state. However, it is important to note that the city has made “happy hour” illegal, but many bars still have deals during prime happy hours.
  • Washington, D.C.: The heart of the United States. This is a perfect place to live for those seeking a job in politics, of course. However, the career possibilities in D.C. are really endless, as many non-profits and for-profit organizations have set up their headquarters in or around the city. There is always something happening in D.C., which makes it the perfect place for young adults. There are also a number of highly esteemed schools in the area, such as George Washington University and Georgetown.

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