Spring Cleaning With Your Storage Unit

Last time on the blog we gave a quick rundown of the situations you might find yourself in that would require a light spring cleaning of your storage unit. Did anybody take that advice to heart and give their unit a once over? Good! For the rest of you, if you follow this tip you’ll find yourself doing so anyways.

For many folks, spring cleaning means a total overhaul of the state of their home. Rearranging rooms, removing furniture, cleaning up small hoards of belongings that had gathered over the winter months when everyone was too cold to do anything. How can your storage unit help? Well with the extra space it can allow you to really go that extra mile when it comes to freshening up your home.

Unsure if that extra couch in the front room is necessary? Why not swap rooms around completely. All of this is possible with clever arranging and utilization of storage space. We’ve talked about it a bit before when it was New Years time, but using a storage unit to store things temporarily while deciding if you need them to throw out can be a useful stop gap for some folks. All those books and old collectables taking up the room but you just can’t bear to toss them out? Move them to the storage unit, and if after a month, or two or however long you decide, you don’t miss them then you can donate easily. With all that room freed up by massive DVD collections moving, you can find entirely new uses for the space.

It may seem the simplest of ideas, but out of sight really is out of mind and that applies to things that can help! By not thinking of the storage space you have available, it may not even occur to you to leverage that extra room.Hopefully, this has given you some ideas, now get out there and freshen up your place and start spring in an almost new home!

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