Self Storage Don’ts

This month we’ve talked about cleaning up and preparing your self storage unit. Continuing in that vein, this time on the blog we’re going to go over a few things you’ll want to not put in your storage unit for various reasons. A lot of these will seem like ‘Well, no duh Albuquerque Self Storage Blog!’ but still, they must be said. With that in mind here are some, but not all, of the things you should not store (check with your facility for a comprehensive list.)

  • Perishables
    • Kind of goes directly against the purpose of storage huh? If something isn’t going to keep then putting it in a storage unit is setting it up to a) deteriorate b) decompose c) invite pests to make their way in.
  • Anything Illegal
    • Just don’t. You can obviously get in trouble with the law if you’re found to be storing anything reported stolen or illicit drugs etc.
  • Animals
    • Deceased or especially Do not store animals in a storage unit as this is neglect and very cruel.
  • Hazardous Materials
    • The proper storage of hazardous materials is important for a vast number of reasons. The list of what can be considered hazardous includes corrosive materials, any sort of chemicals, gasoline, filled propane tanks, fertilizers. The list goes on. This is an important one to get some destinction on from your specific self-storage facility.
  • People
    • Here we’re specifically speaking of living or working out of your self storage unit. These kinds of activities are illegal in a storage unit as they are not designed for that purpose, and many of the necessities of a life/work place are not present. Obviously storing people in any other scenario is not permitted and will see the police handling the situation.

That’s been a short, far from all encompassing list, on what isn’t permitted in self storage units. Again, be sure to discuss with your individual facility management as they can ensure you’re entirely complaint with their regulations.

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