Moving? What to Do and Remember? (Part One)

Moving? It’s one of those sneaky life events that can either creep up on you catching you unawares or completely sideswipe you in a whirlwind of sudden change. It’s happened to us more than we care to admit, the date of the move out quick approaches and there we are in our living room, everything unboxed and unsure of the next step. This time on the Albuquerque Self Storage blog we’re going to give you a brief rundown of the big steps to remember before any important move and ensure you’re not left stumbling around. Starting as far ahead as two months you’ll begin to make a plan.

Two Months Out

                No, two months out is not too early. The work you put in now will make the eventual transition so much smoother.

  • Go over your lease to ensure you’re ready to leave on good terms.
  • Decide whether this will be a DIY affair or you will utilize friends (we suggest The Usual Suspects)
  • If going with movers, research the companies and get estimates. By not needing them immediately, you’ll be able to ensure you get the best deal when the time comes.
  • Create a physical moving folder. Something where you’ll store all your important moving documents.
  • Plan a budget. Not just for the new place (though you should have that too!) but for the move itself. What will it cost to hire movers or to eat during the transition?
  • Begin to gather the supplies for the move.

4 to 5 Weeks Out

  • If using a moving company, now is the time to make sure everything is good to go with them. Have them look over your belongings to ensure they’ll move everything.
  • Fill out that change of address form from the U.S. Postal Service.
  • Schedule the transfer of all your utilities.
  • Arrange for temporary storage (hey we know someone for that!)
  • Start using perishable items you don’t want to move like food.

That’s just the start! Next time on the blog we’ll take a look at what you need to get to and remember once you’re inside of a month away from the big M-Day.


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