Moving? What to Do and Remember? (Part Three)

Here it is, the day we have been talking about for weeks now, and likely you’ve been sweating for months: Moving Day. To avoid any hiccups, you have been following this blog and planning out your move much more carefully than any move previously made my man. Surely nothing can go wrong now? Right? Well, let’s just go over some Day Of tips to keep you on track and all your belongings in hand.

Moving Day

  • Finish Packing. You always plan and hope that this time will be different. The day arrives, and everything is boxed and just needs to be picked up. Well, if it didn’t happen, no point stressing now, let’s get to it.
  • Make sure your new place is already clean and ready for your movers to trudge through.
  • MOVE
  • Get to your new place ahead of whoever might be helping you and ensure the path is clear.
  • When dumping boxes, do your best to divide them into the rooms where they will end up.
  • Pay your movers, crack open the beer and pizza for friends. (Probably don’t try and pay the movers in beer. Probably.)
  • Unpack your priorty box (as discussed last time) and anything else you feel you have time and energy for at the moment. The more you can get done while you have the day set aside already, the sooner you can have a free day.
  • Enjoy your first night in your new home!

After moving day is there is still work to be done of course. No doubt you’ve got your upcoming final walkthrough with your former landlord, you need all sorts of furniture you had not anticipated, or groceries to restock your pantry. Keep the discipline and motivation in check and march on; you’re almost completely through the woods of work you find yourself mired in.

We hope your move has gone swell; we’ll catch you next time here on the Albuquerque Self-Storage blog.



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