Summer Moving: Preventing Heat Stroke

Welcome back to the Albuquerque Self Storage blog. Last time we talked about summer storage tips and ways to make sure your summer self-storage goes as smooth as can be. This time we are going to talk about something just adjacent to that. You’ve found your storage unit, got in at the last minute before they all booked up. You have your crew of movers waiting to help and your boxes, furniture and miscellany all packed and ready to go. But wait! Nothing will put a hamper on a move quite like half your workforce falling ill with heatstroke! Before you step out the door and begin the shuffle make sure you take the steps to make sure everybody comes out healthy.

  • Wear loose fitting and lightweight clothing
    • Your body has a natural way of cooling. If your clothing is too tight or heavy that can impede it and make it work harder for less.
  • Protect against sunburn
    • Sunburns will hamstring your body’s attempts at cooling as well. Wear a wide brimmed hat and some sunscreen to prevent your skin from frying.
  • Drink fluids!
    • Staying hydrated (with water!) will help your body sweat, maintaining its normal temperature.
  • Avoid the hottest hours
    • If you have the option and are planning your work day. Try to get everyone assembled and working early or late in the day. Avoid the hottest parts of the day to make sure nobody falls to the heavy labor and increased temperatures, both of which are unusual environments for many people.

If you plan your day with these tips in place then you should be able to get all moved safely with no casualties. Your friends and family (not to mention yourself!) will be thankful that everything went smoothly and nobody fell to the ground with heatstroke.




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