Tips On Operating A Moving Truck Safely

While there are many driving tips that should be considered when operating a moving truck, there are other important aspects of operating this type of vehicle as well. For example, those operating a large moving truck for the first time should take the time to become familiar with the vehicle and read through the entire operations manual before heading out onto the open road.

Valuable Information

The truck operation manual should be in the glove box and inside the truck at all times. This manual will describe a wide range of important information such as the type of fuel the truck uses and how much clearance there is for the truck to go under overpasses. In addition, many of today’s modern moving trucks have decals and placards placed in multiple locations around the truck providing valuable safety information to the driver. Having a thorough understanding of the limitations of the truck you are operating is the best way to stay safe when operating on the road with other motor vehicles.

Adjust The Seat

Prior to operating a large moving truck, it is recommended to carefully re position the side view mirrors to match your exact height while sitting. It is also important to note that most of today’s modern moving trucks do not have a rear view mirror in the cab. This can make it a little more difficult to operate the truck on the open road. Next, properly adjust the seat in the truck so that you are at a comfortable distance from the wheel while driving. Those preparing to drive any type of truck used for moving should also familiarize themselves with the controls located throughout the cabin.

Check The Weather

Light controls, brake controls and even radio controls should all be checked and tested. Check the weather on your route of travel and make sure that you are prepared for any potential bad weather that you may encounter. Always wear your safety belt and never text while driving. While these may seem like common recommendations, many people today still avoid buckling up and are still texting more than most people might imagine.

Contact Albuquerque Self-Storage today for all your moving needs in Albuquerque New Mexico.

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