Summer Moving Tips (Part 1)

Last time on the Albuquerque Self-Storage blog we discussed some summer storage topics like what to look for, and why summer storage rates may be more expensive. This time we will keep on with the summer theme and look at some summer moving tips as we enter July, the hottest month in Albuquerque.

Here are some pro tips to make your summer move a more tolerable experience.

Don’t Move in the Summer

It’s awful. Not only that, but the summer moving season makes it much more expensive in storage and moving industries. Also, the heat makes the experience miserable. Ok, you’ve been warned.

You Must?

Well, here it is in July and you have to move either now or in August. Well ok. There are worse things in the world. To make that an easier experience you can do a few things. 1) Plan ahead. This might be too late, but if you are able to plan for a move with roughly six weeks lead time you’ll be in a much better place. If using a moving service there isn’t necessarily a guarantee you will be able to get booked if you wait too long. Also arrange for the move during the least busy days. Any weekday in the middle of the month will be a safe bet.

Pack Perfection

Everyone plans to pack a few boxes here and there every day leading up to the move. Most fail to make that a reality. So be honest with yourself and your moving situation, to make sure it’ll get done in time. You can hire movers to pack as well but if they show up and you’re asking them to pack for you last minute they won’t be so happy. While you’re at it, keep in mind what you don’t to put in moving vehicles in the heat. Candles are sure to melt and cover your other belonging. CD’s and tapes can warp or otherwise deteriorate in the heat.

Oh, well look at that we’re nearing the end of our time together this time. Come back next time and we’ll go over even more summer moving tips. See you then!


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