How Much is Self Storage Per Month, Really?


self storage per month

How much is self storage? What about per month? That answer is easily found and can be answered with a quick call here. These rates vary based on season and availability but generally stay within a set range.

Last time on the blog we discussed whether self storage was a worthwhile investment or not (we landed firmly on ‘It is’). In that discussion, we mentioned the price of square footage in an Albuquerque home at $123 per foot on average. That means by spending the money on a storage unit and freeing up your homes space, you are gaining valuable square feet in your home.  But what about things other than money? Esoterically…

How much is self storage per month worth?

A self storage per month is worth an entire extra room, grandma and grandpa can come down to visit and stay with you rather than at the Holiday Inn on the other side of town.  A self storage unit worth being able to park in your garage, no more adverse weather taking a toll on your car.  It is worth a home uncluttered from the many miscellany that we build up over our times in our homes. It is not that we are all hoarders or anything like that, far from it. We have a natural tendency to gather and accumulate. People get married. Couples have children. Everyone gets a new hobby. By and by we accumulate a wealth of possessions that while not extraneous, are not needed every minute of every day. A self-storage unit allows you to have everything you need readily on hand but not directly under foot.

A self storage unit keeps those important belongings that you want to keep safe under guarded attention and restricted access, making them often safer than at most people’s homes. When it comes to ‘out of sight, out of mind’ storage units deliver security to give you the peace of mind that your possessions are safe while they are not in the forefront of your mind.

So really, what self storage is worth – past the monthly dollar amount- depends on what value you place on the convenience and other benefits allowed by storing your belongings in a space other than your garage. You will not have a stuffed spare bedroom, catastrophic closets, spilling out on the floors of your living rooms etc. If you value having space to live in and not just to store things, then a self-storage unit is worth a whole heckuva lot.

Looking to take the leap and regain control of your home’s space? Contact us here and let us help you be the king/queen of your castle, we’ll watch the storage.


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