Tips for Moving with Kids

Moving with Kids

If you have kids, it can be a struggle to get them engaged, prepared, and ready to move. At Albuquerque Self Storage, we want your move and your storage experience to be as easy as possible. So we compiled a list of tips for moving with kids! 

Getting them Ready for the Move

The first thing you should try to do is get your kids mentally and emotionally ready for the move. Let them know what’s coming and get them excited for their new home. It can be the promise of a backyard, a bigger room — or a room to themselves! —  the chance to make new friends, a nearby park or pool — anything to spark their interest and help ease their fears and sorrow about moving away from what they know. 

Have patience with your kids too. If you’re moving a long distance, this will be tough on them too. If you’re moving a short distance, they may still not like the idea of being further from school or friends. 

Tips for Packing with Kids

When it comes to packing, no one likes to do it. With kids, get them involved by making it a game! 

Timer Game 

Whoever puts the most right items in these three boxes first gets ice cream or another treat! Label the three boxes: one for toys, one for extra blankets, and one for clothes, and set a timer. Count down and let your kids go nuts packing non-fragile items for you! 

Fuel Their Imagination 

Sometimes, the best thing you can do is keep your kid distracted while you do the heavy lifting. 

Make them a box fort to keep them occupied while you move the larger items or more fragile items or to keep them off the couch for a bit. All you need are markers or crayons for them to draw on, an extra large box or two, and imagination. You can make a castle, a rocket ship, or just a box with a hole in it. 

You can also tear down a smaller box and make wings for them to run around outside with, or an astronaut helmet. Something to fuel their imagination and keep them busy as you get the hard work done inside. 

Make it Fun!

If you need to wrap things in plastic, bed sheets, or bubble wrap, make it fun! Some kids love to run around, so have them wrap the item and you can supervise as they do all the dizzying work. They can also tape the ends for you (if they’re old enough to be trusted with sharp edges on moving tape) too!

Get Them Out of the House

If you need them out of the house, try to find a babysitter for the afternoon or have them spend the night at a friend’s or family’s house. This gets them out of the house while allowing them to spend time with their friends before moving away. 

Tips For Moving With Kids

When it comes to the big day, we have a few tips to help you too. Keep the kids out of the moving truck if you’re renting a truck. You’re going to want to be focused on the road, not distracted by your passenger. If your kid is a pre-teen or older, this shouldn’t be an issue. Just follow front seat laws!

Moving in the Morning 

If you’re moving in the morning, put your kids to bed early and know they will be tired in the morning, regardless. Be patient with them in the morning and the night before too. Emotions are bound to be running high for both you and them. 

To help, prep the car the night before so they have blankets, pillows, games, snacks — whatever they need for the move. 

For shorter moves, you may be able to let them sleep in or bring them to an in-laws or friend’s house the night before to spend the night and pick them up in the morning. 

Moving During the Day

If you’re moving in the middle of the day, make sure your kids are not in the movers’ way. You can drop them off at an in-laws or friends, or keep them outside or in their rooms in the morning. 

You can also have them at the new house before the movers pick up your stuff. To do this successfully, bring a few games and pillows for them to lounge on or nap on. You have to hire a babysitter, have a friend watch them, or let your spouse watch them while you wait for the movers. 

PLease remember that you should always be present for the movers. 

Moving at Night

If you’re moving at night to avoid traffic, have everything ready in your car before the afternoon hits. Follow the same routine for mid-day moves, though be sure to tire your kids out during the day so they’re not full of energy by the time it comes to leave their old house. 

And if you need storage units for the move, be sure to give us a call at Albuquerque Self Storage. We’ll be happy to help you and all of our units are accessible to moving trucks. 

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