Cheap Self Storage for Moving Back in With Your Parents

cheap self storage

So you spent four long years studying, occasionally partying, and acing (or maybe just passing) tests to get to this moment. You finally have a real college degree. That crisp, fall, first day of school feeling has been replaced by the unforgiving tasks of job hunting and interviewing. Maybe it’s not going so well. That’s okay. We all get to where we need to be eventually. So if you’re in the position where you need to move back in with your parents for a while, this article has everything you need when it comes to cheap self storage solutions for your temporary situation. You got this. Read on for all our useful tips, and you’ll be back on your own in no time!

Why You Should Rent a Cheap Self Storage Unit

When you moved out of your house, your parents might have kept your room intact. Or, they might have taken it over and turned it into their dream craft room. Either way, you probably have some extra furniture, office supplies, and miscellaneous items that don’t quite fit back in your old space. Renting a cheap self storage space is a great way to ensure that your items are safe, while not cluttering up your house. All you will need is a 4×6 unit. This size unit is ideal for several boxes, and furniture like desks or filing cabinets. This allows you to live clutter-free, and your parents to keep their house looking as they wish. It’s a win-win situation. 

Indoor Storage Hacks for Your Room 

You’re probably on the job hunt, which means endless resume tweaking, LinkedIn searching, and Zoom interviews. This takes a lot of time and energy, and having a well-organized space will help keep your mind as clear as possible. Here’s some useful cheap self storage tips for keeping it all together. And check out this decluttering article for even more helpful information.

Visualize and Plan Out Your Space 

If you have a looming pile of shoes, try out a closet shoe hanger. If moving your bed to the corner instead of the center of the wall would free up some much needed space, make the move. If you want your desk facing the window (which can optimize productivity), come up with an arrangement that allows that to happen. If you need more containers and bins to store your things, buy some. Investing in organizational items is never a bad plan! If you really want to free your mind of stress, try out feng shui, a method of arranging your living space in a way that creates balance with the natural environment. Feeling peace in your living space is an essential quality, especially in periods of transition and uncertainty.

Discover New Storage Space 

Scan your bedroom to find additional space, even in unusual places. Maybe taking down a poster could free up room for shelves. You could re- organize your closet for maximum storage by hanging all of your belts or purses on a single hanger instead of multiple shelves. You could even buy an additional rod to hang your clothes. Try hanging items that you need before you leave (like hats, gloves, or wallets) on the back of your door to save space and ensure you don’t forget them.

cheap self storage

Be Nice to Your Parents

When you are frustrated with your situation, it can be easy to take those emotions out on the people closest to you. Try to remember that kindness goes a long way. If you sense your living situation is causing tension, here’s some ways to diffuse conflict and keep the peace. And check out even more tips for stalled moving plans here.

Set House Rules

Can you throw parties? Can your significant other come over every night? Make sure you and your parents set clear standards to avoid potential conflicts and misunderstandings. 

Help Your Parents Out Around the House

Doing the dishes a couple nights per week, or taking the trash out when it gets full are simple courtesies that will go a long way. 

Keep a Clean Space

This one’s pretty obvious. Don’t move back in and create a mess in every room. Maybe you could get away with it as a kid, but as an adult, respect your parents’ space by making an effort to keep it neat. 


As a general rule, it is probably a good idea to pitch in for groceries or utility bills. Some parents charge a small amount of rent per month. It is up to you and your family to decide which policy will work best for all.

Work on Creating a Plan for Your Future

Enrolling in community colleges or universities, job hunting, interviewing, and networking are all great ways to show your parents that you are serious about your future and are working towards moving forward.

Thanks for reading! We at Albuquerque Self Storage hope we helped ease your worries about moving back in with your parents. If you are in need of storage space, check us out online! We are always here to help and answer any questions. 


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