The Basics of Packing, Storing, and Boxing

When it comes to packing a self-storage unit, one can learn something from the famous utilitarian philosopher John Stuart Mill—every piece matters. Indeed, a good self-storage packer is like a chest grand master. Every move is carefully calculated and planned ahead; every piece functions in tangent; no mistakes are made; nothing is wasted.
A Silhouette of Stacking
One can learn a thing or two about stacking boxes from the French. Indeed, one of the most important contributions to architecture is the Eiffel Tower. Although it seems simple to us, the idea of a strong base was innovative at the time. When packing boxes, keep the Eiffel tower in mind. Store your strongest, heaviest boxes at the bottom, and your lightest, most fragile boxes at the top.
Combating Clutter
If your self-self-storage unit looks like it was hit by a hurricane, then you have done something wrong. If you have to crawl on all fours to enter your self-storage unit, then you have definitely done something wrong. Always leave yourself a walkway that facilitates easy access to the most important boxes. What’s more, organize your self-storage unit in such a manner that you can actually retrieve your belongings.
Storing Furniture
This is all part of the planning process. Unscrew all the legs from your furniture before storing. Also, you want to remove any sharp protruding objects from the path of your furniture, lest your precious cargo is ripped, torn apart, or damaged.

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