Storing Valuables: Hiding in your Home

Self-storage facilities are great for a lot of things. Seasonal winter gear? Perfect! Unused furniture? Store it! Boxes and boxes of books? Bring them to Albuquerque Self Storage! Diamond rings, birth certificates, wills, and family heirloom? Eh, maybe you should be storing these valuables at home. If you are storing these types of items at home though, you want to keep them safe. You want to keep them hidden. We can help you with that.

Secret Safe Books

Okay, stay with us here. It may sound like something out of a Scooby Doo cartoon, but trick books are actually an incredible place to store small valuables. Secret-safe books are made with a sturdy, hollow aluminum frame, come with a lock and a key, and are indistinguishable from normal books. If someone is in your home trying to find your valuables, the odds are they don’t have a lot of time to waste. They are not going to go through every book on you bookshelf individually. This is an awesome place to hide your passport, your will, or the deed to your home. You want to avoid putting jewelry in here as it could clank against the aluminum giving up your secret. 

Old Vacuum Storage

Do you have an old vacuum cleaner laying around? Perfect. Your valuables are now going to be safe forever. Place jewelry, money, important documents, anything, in a small zip lock bag. Double bag it to be safe. Now buy a new vacuum bag and put it in your unused vacuum. Now put your valuables inside that. No thief is ever going to look inside an old vacuum for your belongings. The beauty of the vacuum bag hiding spot, is that it doesn’t seem like a real hiding spot. A burglar will look right at the vacuum and never things twice. Unless they read this blog. Let’s hope they are illiterate.

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