Why You Need to Visit Your Unit in the New Year?

Welcome to 2017! And you know what that means, right? Time to clean out your storage unit! And while you might be dreading the idea of cleaning a ton of items that you’ve stored over the last year or so, cleaning out your unit is important for a number of reasons. First and foremost, you’ll need to clean out any dust or grime that’s accumulated over the year – especially for those who haven’t touched their unit in a while. Additionally, cleaning out the unit will let you determine what you need to keep in there, throw away, or move out for the season.

Here are some of the reasons you need to visit your unit in the New Year:

Clean, clean, clean. No matter if you go to your unit every week, every month, or once every year, you really should be cleaning out your unit. If you intend to use the items you’ve stored in the future, cleaning them will help to keep your items intact, and will also help to prevent any long term damage from things like weather, insects, or dust.

Go into your unit and determine what items you really need to keep, and what items you can do without. Not only will this help you clear out more storage space for the upcoming year, but there are a great number of things you can do with unwanted items. A great thing that you can do with those items is to donate them, for one. Whether it be clothes or appliances, any donations to charities are greatly appreciated. And places like Goodwill are happy to take any items off your hands. If you’re short on money after the holidays, you can also sell your used items to a number of thrift stores in the area instead of throwing your items out.

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